We love to hear what you think about our clubs. Here’s some of the feedback we’ve had below.

“We had a massage visit at our club last week. It was a very relaxing massage and it would be good to have again.”…Martin

“A very interesting evening at Mills Observatory last night. Unfortunately the sky wasn’t clear enough to see through the telescope but we had a very informative talk and video presentation.”…Ella

“Been to see my very first panto, Peter Pan. The show was an absolute laugh and I’d recommend it to anybody. The wheelchair space left you with a great view too. Thanks FYF”… Atholl

“I know this doesn’t look like a yoga session but believe me every muscle was used in this pose. We were not just leaning on the bolster but stretching our back and opening the hip joints. For anyone who hasn’t tried yoga come along and see for yourself that you don’t have to tie yourself in knots.” …Ella

“My physical health and strength have improved. I am on target to meet my current goal which is to walk a few steps with crutches. I wish that I joined long ago”…Bernie

“I really enjoyed it, everybody was friendly and direct and all the presentation materials were awesome. It was like a refreshing course of biology, which made me aware of how important the correct diet and regular self-checks are”…Peter


It’s brilliant to be back at Ampu-Teas mixing with people and having a good laugh. We all really missed the clubs during COVID so it’s great to be back. Seeing some old faces and some new faces. Making new friendships is what FYF is all about…Simon

“It’s a couple of hours of laughter and fun and we all look forward to the next meeting. Great for everyone to try. It’s also nice to meeting new troopers and have a cuppa and a chat”…Gordon

“I would definitely recommend people to have a go at the VR simulator in Glasgow. It actually felt like you were there in person, it was a brilliant experience and definitely brought that competitive side out in me. Thank you so much to Finding your Feet for organising the day”…Brian


“So I’ve been struggling with leaving the house after recently losing my leg and had nothing but support before I arrived at the club, which ensured I would be okay. I got made to feel very comfortable and even got a coffee. I will definitely be attending the next meet”…Sophie-Rae

“How amazing is this?! Our Troopers meeting up for our first ever Lanarkshire Ampu-Teas this week! We can’t wait to see this group grow!
Massive thanks to everyone for coming along and to our amazing Trooper, FYF Volunteer and host with the most Barbara for getting things set up and ensuring it all ran smoothly.”…FYF

“What a great day! Lots of good gab, meeting people who really make you feel at home. FYF what a class act for looking after amputees” …Rab

“Would just like to say a big thanks for the help I have received since I reached out to Finding Your Feet and how easy it to find out which activities are there for myself and the Troopers. I thought that most things I like were out of reach but now that’s all changed, because the team are really easy to talk to and let you know what’s out there for you. Thank you for showing me there are still activities I can take part in and thank to all the Troopers from Trooper Graham”

“Really enjoyed the craft session at FYF office in Paisley. We were given water colours to start with so we could have a go at blending colours. It must be forty years since I’d done anything like this and I was really surprised by the result. Looking forward to the next session”…Steve

“I have been twice to Ampu-Teas which gave me an insight of what can be achieved and the troopers were very helpful and a lot of fun! So just to say thanks”

“The bowling is a good success. It is absolutely wonderful to witness individuals over come obstacles and realise their own potential. And we always manage to have a fun time.
It has been very encouraging to watch the number of troopers taking part in the bowling gradually increase. We generally have a pool of 11 bowlers with 8 coming along every second Friday.
Bowling is a very social activity. It can be whatever you want it to be, a social activity with friends or if you are more competitive, you can play from domestic league matches to internationally as a para bowler.
It is a very social time for the troopers, we do play a match, usually pairs or triples (3 in a team). As much as we say it’s friendly, there is a competitive edge with plenty of banter between teams, but we always stop for a cuppa, biscuit and a catch up with each other.” …Pauline

“I had a great time at Silk painting. Very therapeutic, great fun and thoroughly enjoyable. Looking forward to the next class”…Fred

“We had our last Quiz of the year and it was a fab one! Quizmaster Tony hosted a brilliantly entertaining festive-themed quiz.”…Connie

“I enjoyed the Christmas party and was happy to sing a ‘friendly’ song to my fellow Troopers, although I am not a singer, but it was only for fun. Lucy did well in her spot, the three wise men gave us a good Christmas Quiz and Cor, having us draw with our eyes shut, was a great laugh – you should have seen my Santa! Christine who is a great entertainer, did a great finish to the show but we cannot forget Santa who is always the star of any Christmas party”…Catherine.

“Thank you FYF. The Archery taster session was really good. It may seem hard to believe but, although it was my first time it was very relaxing. The instructors were great which helped make it fun for all of us attending. I really hope that we can have more sessions. Thanks again FYF”…Tony

“I went to the Ayrshire Ampu-Teas today at the new venue Si, in Irvine. It was great to see old friends and new ones alike. We had a coffee and a good old chinwag. I’m a great believer in learning from other amputees who may be more established or experienced. Sharing our wisdom, knowledge and having a laugh in the group is what it’s all about for me” ??…Stephen

“On the 28th of Oct, Dave, Derek and myself went swimming at Aberdeen Sports Village. What a great day, The staff are brilliant, they looked after us as soon as we came through the door. I got hoisted in and out of the pool and the water is not too cold, just felt so good to be there. I enjoyed it so much I went to water aerobics which was great fun, an over 60’s class even if I’m not over 60! We also go along to the gym on Tuesday’s at 2pm, come along you might even enjoy it. From the Aberdeen area it would be great to meet more troopers coming along.”…Atholl

“A great energy boost and stress relief. Come along!”…Ann-marie

“Hi I have just started going to yoga with the FYF troopers, well I’m about 5 to 6 weeks in now. When it first started way back, the other troopers said “you going Martin? it does help you with core and strength!” I said “no thanks not me!” I boo hooed it for about three years ?But with a push from the wife saying, “just try it you don’t have to go again”, I’m glad I did and it does make you feel good. I can’t do what some of the others do, but it doesn’t matter I just do what I can”…Martin

“It was great to be back at the Pilates class on Monday. Mishan is a great tutor and he explains all the exercises so clearly and lets you go at your own pace”….Alexander

“Hi I’m Ian and as a recent amputee and still in hospital, the Aberdeen Ampu-Teas was the first actual face to face meeting with the guys. The meeting was great, they’re friendly, welcoming and I picked up loads of helpful hints and tips on how to cope. I’ve also been able to join the weekly quiz on Zoom while I’ve been in hospital which has been great fun and a good way to get to know everybody. I couldn’t recommend it highly enough”…Ian

“It was so good to walk in the door to FYF and see my buddies. ? Looking around the room, I realised how much I had missed seeing everyone! It was lovely to catch up and feel we are making headway out of Covid, actually being face to face is fantastic. The plans for the FYF Charity Hub are so exciting, I’ll be surprised if there isn’t a halo above the building. ? What an achievement to make this happen and help so many people. The cafe is a fab idea too, letting everyone meet and mingle. The future is looking good for FYF, well done guys and here’s to many more days!”…Cindy

“So good to be back at Yoga with FYF to catch up with friends old and new and to feel the burn”…Nigel