Parting with your hard-earned cash is a big deal – we get it. We can guarantee that anything you give us will positively affect the lives of amputees in Scotland. Everything we do to support people who have lost limbs starts with you clicking one of the buttons below and giving what you can. Because it’s so important, we’ve made it as easy as possible…
Donate Online
The simplest way to donate is via our Donation Form. It’s really easy to fill in and only takes a few minutes. Your donation will come straight to us and we’ll be instantly notified. If you’d like to offer continued support, monthly donations give us that warm, secure feeling just like a hug does. With your monthly support, there’s no stopping us – click your preferred option below.
Gift Aid Declaration Form
Did you know that we can claim any eligible Gift Aid on your donations in the past 4 years? This means when you fill out the short form below, at no additional cost to yourself, we’ll automatically receive an additional 25% from HMRC on any prior eligible donations you’ve made, as well as any future ones. It’s an easy way to feel good, and you’ll make us smile too!
Donate via Text
Everyone likes getting a nice text, FYF are no different, especially if it’s a donation.
Text Donate on the numbers below:
· To donate £3, text STUMPUP to 70331
· To donate £5, text STUMPUP to 70970
· To donate £10, text STUMPUP to 70191
Please note: we don’t receive any contact details when we receive text donations – but we love to send a wee thank you to all our donors. Feel free to send us a message afterwards to let us know you’ve sent a donation in so we can get back to you!
Your donation will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating as DONATE. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. For Terms & Conditions, see Thank you.
Send a Donation
There’s nothing quite like opening the mail in the morning and finding a cheque or some cash to help us do what we love to do. If you want to make that happen, you can post something to our HQ:
Finding Your Feet
St James House
25 St James’ Street

Making a donation is the ultimate act of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words.