March 16, 2020

We’re sure some of you expected this message… We’ve come to the decision to postpone all FYF events, clubs and activities for the time being. This has been a very hard choice to make, but we have an obligation to you, our volunteers and all involved to make sure everyone is as safe as possible, and the scientific advice tells us that gatherings and certain activities are best avoided. Our charity provides for people from all different backgrounds and circumstances, some of whom are vulnerable and have various health issues. As a team, we feel this is the right choice to make at this time and hope you agree.

To amputees and their families… 

We are in this together. Our charity was set up to reduce isolation in the amputee community and we will continue to do so. All clubs and activities are postponed… so what do we do? The FYF team are working round the clock to introduce creative ways of providing support, and we will release some of these in the coming days. They include phone calls for the vulnerable (or bored!), fitness classes delivered online and as always our online peer support groups. You may not be surrounded by others in a physical sense, but you are not alone.

To fundraisers, volunteers and supporters…

All upcoming FYF events are postponed and we will look to be rescheduling these at an appropriate time. Other events, including the Glasgow Kiltwalk, have also been postponed. So far, nothing has been cancelled and everything should go ahead albeit at a later time. For our own events (Firewalk, Cor’s talk etc.) we will be getting in touch with anyone who has signed up. If you have any other questions please do get in touch. Our lovely volunteers will be getting a well-deserved break, but we may have some cool ways to get involved soon so don’t get too comfy… As always, we depend massively on your support – anything you can continue to do or give in these testing times for all of us will be greatly appreciated and will change, and in many cases save, the lives of amputees.

Stay safe, keep smiling and check back here for some announcements in the coming days about how you can help or be helped.

Love, the FYF team ❤️
