Limb Loss Awareness Month

April 4, 2017

We have teamed up with a number of limb loss charities, manufacturers and private clinics, to raise awareness of limb loss and limb difference throughout the month of April, to support and encourage members of our community as they build their independence through increased mobility.

Also taking part in this campaign are: LimbPower; Limbless Association; Blesma; Douglas Bader Foundation; Reach; Steps; Ability Matters; Dorset Orthopedic; Limb Solutions; the London Prosthetic Centre Opcare; Ossur; Ottobock; Pace Rehab; ProActive Prosthetics and the Steeper Group.


FYF Troopers – please join our social media campaign called #GetMoving to raise awareness of the physical health benefits and mental health benefits of engaging in physical activity with a focus on moving more at home, in the office and at school.

What you can do

Make small changes to your daily habits to increase your fitness. Below are some hints and tips to get you started.

#Move More at home

A few tips for being more active in the home and improving your health

1. Clear your clutter.
Don’t wait until the weekend to clean your home; spend some time every day tidying up. Housework is good exercise!
2. Get off the sofa
Use advertisement breaks as a chance to get off the sofa, stretch or move about. You could even play a game and touch as many objects as you can in the living room before your programme stars again.
3. Move More
Balance on one leg while brushing your teeth, when moving around the house don’t just walk forwards, try sideways walking and backwards walking and pushing to get different muscles stronger.
4. Make your own cup of tea
Increase your independence by making your own tea and snacks, which will involve moving more.
5. One step at a time
Walking just two flights of stairs daily burns enough calories to lose six pounds in a year. Set yourself a daily goal starting with one flight of stairs. A typical staircase has 10 steps.
6. Get some fresh air
There is a link between levels of fitness and time spent outdoors, so get out more if you can. Think about short car journeys, can they be done on public transport or by walking – save the environment and your health at the same time

#Move More at work

A few tips for being more active in the office and improving your health

1. Talk standing up.
Whenever talking on the telephone, stand up if you can and if possible, walk, wheel or pace.
2. Time out
Set an alarm and stand every 30 minutes or every hour to burn calories and prevent lower back pain.
3. Water weights
Use a full water bottle to do some strength training exercises like pressing it up over your head or bicep curls.

4. Take Control
When you stand up and sit down try not to use your hands. Use your leg muscles and core muscles to control your movement when you rise up from sitting or when you lower from standing.

5. One step at a time
Walking just two flights of stairs daily burns enough calories to lose six pounds in a year. Set yourself a daily goal starting with one flight of stairs. A typical staircase has 10 steps.
6. Working lunch
Use your lunch hour to walk/exercise and remember to eat something healthy grab a healthy bite. If you are stuck at your desk for long periods of time do some toe taps. Keep a tennis ball under your desk and roll it around with your feet!
