Farewell Skypark…

August 28, 2019

You may or may not know that we’re moving to a new HQ. We’ll have some exciting news about where we’re going next week, but for now we’d like to take a minute to appreciate where we’ve been.

Skypark Glasgow have put us up and put up with us for 5 years. We were a local charity with big ambitions and have grown more than we thought we ever would under their roof. The owners and staff went above and beyond, organising events, raising awareness and raising money. They gave us aplace to work, but more importantly a place for amputees to make friends, a place for quiet conversations that meant more than we’ll ever know, a place for fitness, a place for loud singing, a place for endless coffees, a place for parties, a place that was safe and a place that was exciting. So many significant chapters in our story happened here, and we hope we’ve left a big footprint with them too.

Farewell Skypark – you’ve been much more than an office and we won’t forget the memories we’ve had here!
