
There are lots of general gadgets which can help either at home or while you’re out and about.  Check out a few below.

Active Hands make gripping aids that gently, yet firmly hold your hand into a gripping shape enabling you to hold tightly onto objects from hammers to garden tools; gym equipment to drumsticks; ski-outriggers to boat tillers; adaptive bike handles to musical instruments; and many more.


Check out their website here!

MobilityCareAids.Co.Uk can help transform how you live your life, making it easier for you to get on with day-to-day life. Whether you have mobility issues or if you are wheelchair bound they 0ffer a wide range of independent mobility aids, from walking sticks and frames to rollators, bathing aids to a whole variety of clever and helpful mobility aids.

You can see their full range of product on their website here.

These enable people with poor pincer grip or pen control to write more easily, soft pliable grippers which can be used with normal sized pens and pencils

More details here.

Greeper Sports laces are a modern, accessible alternative to traditional shoe laces – they remain tight and tied no matter what conditions they’re put under.

These innovative shoe laces have been designed to aid those with disabilities to adapt any type of everyday shoe, without having to rely on old-fashioned velcro fastening shoes.

More details here.