What do I do with my spare shoes? Or I only need one shoe?
These are questions we get asked a LOT! Which isn’t surprising considering many amputees don’t wear a prosthesis and have no use for that extra shoe! Kinda obvious really! We also get offered lots of spare shoes from fantastic companies which is amazing, they benefit so many people and would otherwise go to waste which we’d hate to see. So to answer both of these questions we simply recommend the wonderful Jo.
Jo’s Odd Shoes Facebook Group was set up to benefit amputees and anyone else who only wears one shoe for whatever reason. They don’t charge for their services (only p & p) and it gives people the chance to either get some shoes for free or have a clear out of the shoes that they don’t need. If you’re looking to ‘find a home’ for those generous donations of odd shoes or would love to find out how you can get your hands on some odd shoes yourself then pop on over and check them out here.