We’re a friendly bunch here at FYF, each as dedicated as the last and not that we’re biased at all, but we definitely have the best team in the world. Read on to find out who we are and what we do.

Cor Hutton
Cor lost her hands and feet to sepsis back in 2013 and set up our charity to offer peer support to amputees in all stages of their life and journey. She can be found spreading the word about FYF and visiting new Troopers. Cor also meets with health, education and NHS personnel, and is a motivational speaker. Despite being a triathlete and world record holder, when it comes to making tea or coffee she’s quick to play the ‘amputee’ card…

Nicola Booth
Nic keeps everything running at Finding Your Feet – the team regularly receive emails from her at 4 am… She’s in charge of strategic planning, oversees the day-to-day running of our charity and is the point of contact for initial enquiries. The only time she stops working is to have a laughing fit at her favourite joke: “What’s Cor short for? Cos she’s got no legs!”

Lesley Lawrie
Les is a below-knee amputee who volunteered for the charity before coming onboard. She is now the manager of our Well-being Team, coordinating all of the support we provide for amputees both in person across Scotland and online. In other words, Les is very important and very busy. When she’s not working on that, she’s kept busy having to explain her Fife slang to the rest of the group. Who is this Ken she always speaks of?

Kerr Ferguson
Kerr has handled the marketing, PR and design for the charity since 2017. He spends a lot of his time with the amputees we work with, telling their inspirational stories in various formats and spreading the word about our charity and its goals. He’s shown Paul the ropes, teaching him just enough to be good but not better… for now.

Paul Johnson
After benefitting from Finding Your Feet’s support, Paul joined the team. He’s a double above-knee amputee has used his experience to talk at schools, businesses and events. When he’s not out spreading the word, he’s one half of the FYF marketing department, handling social media and design. He’s right into his tunes and doesn’t hide the fact that he thinks the songs that the rest of us like are terrible even though it’s widely agreed he has the worst taste in music…

Joan-Anne Quinn
Joan-Anne wears two hats within the FYF team – firstly she’s our Volunteer Co-ordinator, supporting our volunteers in everything they do for us and our Troopers. She’s also our Day Hub supervisor, handling everything that goes on in the Hub, from bookings to maintenance, and much more. On top of her role with us, she’s always volunteering, supporting and helping people in her spare time. One might say she’s almost too kind… we’ll be keeping an eye on this one…

Gordon Macdougall
After volunteering as a Peer Supporter and handling check-in calls with Troopers, Gordon was the perfect fit for our Well-being Team. He’s an above-knee amputee and uses his experience to raise the spirit of the amputees he calls and ensures they know we’re there for them. When he’s not chatting to the Troopers, you’ll often find him winding up someone in the team – they probably had it coming – right?

Maryam Anwar
Maryam first started volunteering for our team and soon came on board as an FYF Hub Assistant in our Day Hub, handling room set-ups, turnarounds and being a friendly face for our bookings. On top of her usual role, she’s handling the FYF Charity Hub social media with her creative writing. If there’s one thing every office needs, it’s someone to deal with spiders. Before Maryam, it was just chaos.

Rebecca Terrey
After a stint in fundraising, Becca absolutely found her calling as part of our Well-being Team and now hosts clubs at our HQ, helps organise new activities and gets to know anyone coming along for the first time. She loves a holiday, so take your pick of the puns: life’s a beach, long time no sea, I’m on a cruise so I don’t give a ship, and so on… Becca has a Barbie calendar in the office, which must make Les Ken? (Joke only works if you have also read Les’ bio above)

Fiona Lynch
Fiona joined our team as an FYF Hub Assistant in our Day Hub, handling room set-ups, turnarounds and being a friendly face for our bookings. She loves to paint animal portraits in her spare time and is already planning her next portfolio using the FYF team…

Stacie Ward
Stacie came on board working in the FYF Hub and has since become a Well-being Assistant, helping with admin and chatting to Troopers. She’s obsessed with Marvel movies, but I bet she never thought that fact would end up on the web… Because Spiderman… He’s in with the Avengers… Forget it.

Angela McLaughlan
Angela is our Finance Officer and makes sure we’re in a good position to provide our services to those who need it most. Despite being extremely skilled with finances, she is yet to jump out from behind a door and shout ‘show me the money’ or tap her head and say ‘if it makes dollars it makes cents’, which is of extreme disappointment to the entire team.

Mia Malcolm
Mia is our glamorous Fundraising Assistant, helping with admin and connecting with businesses to gather support in the form of raffle prizes, donations and sponsorship. Without knowing for sure, it’s safe to assume her favourite treat is a pack of M&Ms and that she enjoys the music of Eminem.

Jamie Scott-Dyson
Jamie is FYF’s Grants Officer, putting together applications and forming relationships to get us vital funds to support amputees throughout the country. He certainly has the key to success. Speaking of keys, he locked himself out of the office with all his things inside in his first week. It was, and remains, funny.

Zoey Hillman
Zoey is our Fundraising Manager, taking old school notes and coming up with new school ideas. She’s the mind behind our memorable events and is always on hand to help a kind soul who wants to raise money to support amputees. She’s got a Mancunian twang so if you close your eyes it’s like hearing Liam Gallagher without paying 500 quid for a ticket – win-win!