Can you help?

March 16, 2022
It will involve you taking part in an interview which will take up to an hour and you’ll get a £20 shopping voucher as a thank you! Have a read below for details.
At De Montfort University in Leicester, we are conducting a research project to look at how we can improve the way in which patients are prepared for having amputation surgery. The project is being funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). We are ultimately aiming to work with patients and healthcare staff to improve the way in which those undergoing amputations are cared for.
As part of this research we are currently looking to talk to 30 amputees about their experience of being prepared for an amputation. We are looking to speak to people who have had upper or lower limb amputations in the last 24 months and are aged 18 and over and living in the UK.
If you’d like to help and would like more information please contact Dr Esmée Hanna on: 0116 257 7119
More details here: PIS v2docx