Cindy is still standing. She is now our first point of contact for amputees. The reason she’s so amazing at what she does is that she’s been through it all yet we’ve never seen her without that smile.
“Today is 30 years since I was diagnosed with an osteo sarcoma, in my left leg. It’s a lifetime I might not have had, at 17 a tough battle was ahead of me.
I remember asking my mum what one in four meant, my odds of survival.
She said:” if you picture four girls standing, three won’t make it, one will.” I knew in that moment I would do everything I could to be that girl who made it, for a precious life and for the mum I loved so much.
I feel blessed to have this amazing life, all the love I have, friends, family, Brian & my beautiful boys. Cancer – I’m still standing X”