Grants & Bursaries

October 3, 2018

Finding Your Feet does not offer grants or bursaries.

Here are some sources which provide funding for individuals – some of which offer funding by region. We will add more sources as/when we come across them.  If you know of any other sources, please get in touch and let us know.


Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially.
Use their grant search tool to see if you can access any funding here.

LEAD Scotland

Linking Education and Disability has a downloadable guide to funding with training and education, click here

Independent Living Fund Scotland

ILF Scotland’s Transition Fund provides money, for up to one year, to support young people living with disabilities to improve their lives.  The purpose of the Fund is to help young people, between the ages of 16 and 21 living with disabilities, with the transition after leaving school to be more independent.   The money can be used for things like art or music lessons, a device or piece of technology to help you with your impairment, driving lessons, and training courses. For more information click here

