We’re a small team here at FYF, with just one full time staff member and 9 part timers, each as dedicated as the last and undertaking many more hours than they’re paid for. Read on to find out who we are and what we do. For general enquiries please contact here.
Corinne HuttonCor lost her hands and feet to sepsis back in 2013, and set up our charity to offer peer support to amputees in all stages of their life and journey. She can be found spreading the word about FYF and visiting new Troopers. Cor also meets with health, education and NHS personnel, and is a motivational speaker. Despite being a triathlete and world record holder, when it comes to making tea or coffee she’s quick to play the ‘amputee’ card… |
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Nicola BoothNic keeps everything running at Finding Your Feet – the team regularly receive emails from her at 4am… She’s in charge of strategic planning, oversees the day-to-day running of our charity and is the point of contact for initial enquiries. The only time she stops working is to have a laughing fit at her favourite joke: “What’s Cor short for? Cos she’s got no legs!” |
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Kerr FergusonKerr handles the marketing, PR and design for the charity. He spends a lot of his time photographing and videoing the amputees we work with and telling their inspirational stories. Despite almost always being dressed in grey, he’s actually a very cheery person… mostly. He also wrote these bios so the rest of the team currently aren’t speaking to him. |
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Connie TerrisConnie is the first point of contact for corporate partners, she also deals with grants and funding. She’s super organised, always on top of things and puts on a fundraising event like no other! She’s always up for a bit of nonsense, as long as a risk assessment has been carried out and approved. We call her Mrs Health and Safety. |
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Nikki EtheridgeNikki began volunteering with Finding Your Feet when she lost her leg below the knee, but she has since grown to be a valuable member of staff. She coordinates all of our Glasgow clubs, makes sure everything runs smoothly with our admin and is coordinates our absolutely amazing volunteers. She loves Daim bars but she won’t share them with anyone, not even Meg. Meg is her leg. Yes, that’s right… she named her prosthetic leg. |
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Lesley LawrieLes is a below knee amputee who volunteered for the charity before coming onboard in 2017. She’s based in Dundee, but she coordinates Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Leeds activities as well! She’s also the one that keeps our website all shiny and up to date. When she’s not working on that, she’s kept busy having to explain her Dundonian slang to the rest of the group. Who is this Ken she always speaks of? |
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Cindy EadonAfter years of fundraising for the charity, Cindy came onboard to handle Trooper contact and admin support. Cindy is an above knee amputee who always looks on the bright side, making her the perfect person to introduce amputees to Finding Your Feet. She organises all the travel we provide for amputees to and from our clubs, and regularly wakes up in the middle of the night shouting “TAXI!” |
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Paul JohnsonAfter benefitting from Finding Your Feet’s support, Paul came onboard in 2018 as a valuable member of the office team. He’s a double above knee amputee, and regularly joins Cor at school visits and events to share his story and spread the word about us. He’s right into his music, and doesn’t hide the fact that he thinks the songs that the rest of us like are terrible. Don’t mention Atomic Kitten. |
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Michele GallowayMichele came onboard following a fundraising campaign for the charity to have an in-house Counsellor. Since then, she has added a whole new dimension to Finding Your Feet, providing invaluable emotional support to the amputees we work with. She’s always smiling and so positive, but we’re secretly nervous that she’s analysing us… Just kidding! |
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Fiona ConwayNew year, new team member! The fantastic Fiona joined Finding Your Feet in January 2019 to provide some vital admin support. She’s now part of the group who make sure everything in the office runs smoothly. We’re acting normal around her for now, but she’ll soon learn how weird and wonderful we all are… |
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Dennis The DogDennis has three legs. It doesn’t stop him from running, jumping, swimming or just generally being the best thing ever, which is why he is the official FYF mascot! Woof! |