Social Distancing: How We’re Adapting

April 15, 2020

This page has been updated for the current lockdown: 05/01/2021

With social distancing measures in place, how we operate for the time being has changed. As a vital support service, we’ve repurposed our delivery to follow government advice. Our help with physical fitness, emotional wellbeing and preventing loneliness is still here – it just looks a bit different! The team and volunteers are as committed as ever to being a companion and lifeline to amputees and their families across the country. Although someone is isolated, that doesn’t mean they’re alone. Here’s what we’re doing in the current situation to support the amputee community…

Phone Visits

At the time of writing, our team have reached out to over 3500 amputees via phone/video calling. The feedback to this service has been incredible, and the list of people we are getting in touch with continues to grow. These calls range from a catch up and a laugh to ensuring that our Troopers have everything they need.


Michele, Finding Your Feet’s in-house Counsellor, is continuing to ‘meet’ her clients via phone and video chat. This is ensuring that the most vulnerable in our community do not go without support, which is often needed urgently.

Virtual Ampu-Teas

Our most popular Ampu-Teas club has moved to the world wide web! This weekly coffee morning is so important in giving amputees, many of whom are alone the majority of the time, a chance to chat and meet friends in a safe group setting. We’re now hosting this by Zoom and our first virtual meeting saw Troopers from all over Scotland tune in to chat. One benefit we have recognised is that people from different areas who wouldn’t usually meet are now connecting, meaning that this is likely to be something we carry on into the future even when our regular schedule of in person clubs resumes.

Online Groups

Online support has always been a big part of what we do. Our private groups for amputees, carers, family and parents continue to run and are being used more than ever. Within these we are providing useful resources as well as fun activities to pass the time. They also allow amputees and their families to access networks of other amputees for chat, advice, support and motivation.

FYF Limbless Lockdown

Our private lockdown page for amputees has been running since restrictions began and it’s running smoothly. We have our Troopers taking part in online activities. These include: live fitness, yoga, Pilates, meditation, creativity sessions, quiz nights, cooking classes, stress management, mental health information classes and more. So far we have delivered over 300 of these weekly activities, giving those we support some structure and access to beneficial exercises and stress management tools at a time where they need it most.


We will continue to update this page with the new support services we are offering as long as social distancing measures remain.
